• Privacy

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Please read below our policy details

Please see below for more Privacy Policy details:

From the 25th May 2018 the Data protection regulation will be changing. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be implemented which could affect how organisations and businesses collect, use and store people’s personal data. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) upholds information in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.

Omega Recruitment Solutions is committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of our clients, candidates and users of this website (www.omegars.co.uk), and any correspondence that is communicated during the operation of our business and providing a recruitment service.

This Privacy Policy details how Omega Recruitment Solutions use any data that is gathered, how we use and share your information that we collect via this website, and in any other ways (including email, telephone, through our mobile applications and social media platforms), in accordance with the applicable data and privacy laws. It explains the policies and procedures we have implemented to respect your privacy and keep your personal data secure.


When this Policy applies:

This Privacy policy is applicable where we are the data controller and applies when you register your personal data via our website, apply to us for a job or work placement, or engage with our business for any of our recruitment services that we provide; including any promotions, competitions and referral schemes.


What personal data do we collect?

When registering on Omega Recruitment Solution’s website, or contacting us via email or telephone to register with us, we ask you for the following personal information to provide our recruitment services:

Name, address, company name, contact telephone numbers, education, career history, driving licence, professional qualifications, your right to work within the United Kingdom, any holidays you may have planned and other information included on your CV, Financial information, compliance documentation and reference details. What other agencies you are registered with, any active applications you may have in process, what location you desire to work in and what roles you would be interested in.

We will also ask personal sensitive data including:

Criminal convictions, health

We may also obtain personal data from other resources that you may have subscribed to such as job board websites; or social media platforms that are in the public domain, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, business Facebook or corporate websites. In this case we will contact you within 30 days of collecting the data to inform you what personal information we have and where we have obtained it from. We will update you with the purpose for the retained information and how it will be processed.

If you communicate with us via email we may retain the email message, alongside our email responses. We may also make a record of any telephone calls that we engage in.


How do we use the data we collect?

Omega Recruitment Solutions is an Employment Agency that recruits for permanent and fixed term contract positions. The purpose of our business is to introduce candidates to clients within the recruitment process. The exchange of candidate and client data is an essential part of this process.
We maintain both candidate and client personal data on our database which is relevant within the recruitment process and detailed in the section above. This data could be both historical and current information based on the length of engagement for the purpose of:
• To provide our Recruitment services efficiently to both candidates and clients
• To forward your details on to clients regarding jobs that you may be suitable for
• To carry out any contractual obligations that we have agreed with you
• To provide you with professional or career advice that you, your employer or any authorised representatives request.
• To follow up with you after correspondence
• To respond to your enquiries
• To send you job alerts of potential jobs of interest and suitability
• To maintain and update our internal records
• To maintain and develop our relationship with you
• To provide you with any updates on our business and services that we provide
• To measure, monitor and evaluate our business services and performance; including data analysis, submitting invoices, research and planning for business purposes
We will not be able to carry out the services we provide without your personal data. It is with legitimate business interests that we require the processing of personal information in compliance with GDPR. We will in some cases rely on consent for use of your data, specifically when submitting your data to a client (should you be a candidate).
Omega Recruitment Solutions will post adverts on job boards through using third party services. These applications will be supported and managed via this platform and are connected to our website and database. A consultant will review your application and suitability for the role applied for based on your capability, skill set and experience.
We will not ask you to disclose any of the following sensitive personal information:
Racial or ethnic origin, date of birth, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, any information relating to your gender or sexuality, trade union or social security numbers.


Third parties, social media and disclosure of your information:

The personal data that we collect, (both personal and sensitive), may be sent to our clients as detailed above. It may also be distributed between different departments within our business for internal administrative purposes. Employees of Omega Recruitment Solutions will have access to your data but will comply with all regulation to protect your privacy.
Omega Recruitment Solutions may also disclose your personal data with third parties where:
• You have consented to us sharing your personal data in this way.
• We are under a legal, regulatory or professional obligation to do so; for example, to law enforcement bodies or other government authorities.
• We use third party service providers to provide services that involve data processing, but who have agreed to keep your personal information confidential and comply with all regulations in place to protect your privacy. For example, job boards and cv search engines
We may be required to transfer your personal information by them to countries outside the EEA and countries that do not have laws that provide specific protection for personal information. We will seek to mitigate this risk wherever possible by ensuring relevant third party business partners are bound by formal data processing agreements.
We do not sell, rent or otherwise distribute any personal information to outside parties for any other purposes, such as consumer marketing, host mailings or analytics.
Omega Recruitment Solutions use social media platforms to share information about our business, any updates or jobs that we are working on and to share market information within our business sector. We would advise that you should take due care and attention when using these platforms to share information or any interest you may have. Should you like to gain more information on any posts on social media, or to reserve your own privacy and confidentiality, please contact us directly via email or telephone where appropriate.


How do we protect your personal information?

Security of your personal information, both technically and manually, are taken very seriously by us. We have implemented a number of security standards and procedures to ensure that we are able to keep your personal information as secure as we can.
Any physical data we have is stored is in access controlled premises or electronic databases that require logins and are password protected.
We understand and respect confidentiality for both our clients and candidates is a key part of the services we provide.
Whilst we strive to ensure our systems and controls are updated and secure, we understand that the internet is not always completely secure when transmitting information. As such Omega Recruitment Solutions is unable to guarantee the security of our data transmitted to our online services, and will not be held liable for any loss, damages or access to any data when using this website. If you communicate with us using a non-secure web platform, you assume the risks that such communication between us could be intercepted, not received, corrupted, delayed or received by persons other than that of the intended recipient.
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. We also:


Use regular Malware Scanning

Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.


Third-party links

We do not include or offer third-party products or services on our website.



Google’s advertising requirements can be summed up by Google’s Advertising Principles. They are put in place to provide a positive experience for users. https://support.google.com/adwordspolicy/answer/1316548?hl=en
We use Google AdSense Advertising on our website.
Google, as a third-party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on our site. Google’s use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to our users based on previous visits to our site and other sites on the Internet. Users may opt-out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google Ad and Content Network privacy policy.


We have implemented the following:

• Google Display Network Impression Reporting
We, along with third-party vendors such as Google use first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookies) and third-party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) or other third-party identifiers together to compile data regarding user interactions with ad impressions and other ad service functions as they relate to our website.


Opting out:

Users can set preferences for how Google advertises to you using the Google Ad Settings page. Alternatively, you can opt out by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative Opt Out page or by using the Google Analytics Opt Out Browser add on.


Does our site allow third-party behavioral tracking?

It’s also important to note that we do not allow third-party behavioral tracking.Omega RS reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy where necessary. Should any changes be made we shall update our website and highlight that changes have been made.


Retention of your personal information

Omega Recruitment Solutions understands and complies with our legal and regulatory obligations in the retention of your personal information. We always strive for best practice when handling your personal information and the length of time we retain the accurate information we have gathered to carry out the data processing activities detailed above in this policy.
Any personal information that we no longer have a legitimate business interest in storing shall be removed from our databases and business.
We will keep in touch with you on an annually basis to confirm that the information we hold is both up to date and accurate. This could be via an email or a telephone call. This will enable you to confirm if you wish us to hold on to your information, or ask us to remove it from our records. At any stage after you register your details with us, apply for a job, or any other communication between us; you are welcome to advise us of any changes or updates to the personal information you have supplied us with and we will change our records accordingly.


Your rights

Omega Recruitment Solutions understands that you have a number of legal rights regarding your personal information depending on the individual case. You may have the right to:
• Request what personal information we hold about you, including the purposes of the processing and the recipients to whom the information has been disclosed to.
• Update us and correct us on any changes to your personal information that we hold.
• Ask us to delete the personal information we store on you and object to our use of that personal information.
• Request a copy of the personal information we store on you.
• Withdraw your consent, at any time, to the processing of your personal information.
• Ask for a restriction or suspension of the processing of personal information. For example, if you want to establish its accuracy.
• Request to not receive any contact from us regarding changes and updates within our business, products and services.

Should you wish to contact us regarding any of the above points please send all enquiries and requests to katrina@omegars.co.uk
If you have a serious concern or complaint, you may like to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office. The ICO can be contacted through this link: https://ico.org.uk/concerns
If you make a privacy complaint, we will contact you to let you know how this will be handled. We may request further details. Consult with other parties and keep a record of your complaint.


Contact us

To find out more about Omega Recruitment Solutions please browse our website.
If you have any concerns or questions about this Privacy Policy please contact our data controller, Katrina Fitzgerald using this Contact Form.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to revise and change this Privacy Policy from time to time by updating our website respectively. We will post any changes we make to the Privacy Policy on this page, and where appropriate, notify you via email.
Your provision of personal data to us or use of our online services constitutes your acceptance of the terms of this Privacy Policy.
This policy was last updated on 22nd May 2018.